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I Am a Little Employee of My Father-我是爸爸的小雇员
 更新时间:2024-04-20 22:48:01

I Am a Littl mploy of My Fathr-我是爸爸的小雇员 我的爸爸经常“爬格子”,那是他的职业。这个寒假,爸爸在赶一个研究课题。他急需一个打字员帮他把研究成果输入电脑,可直到现在爸爸也没有助手。于是他问我能否帮他这个忙,他答应会给我酬劳。我欣然应允,因为这是我第一次赚钱的机会。于是我成了爸爸的小雇员,尽管只是短时间的小雇员。我几乎把所有的闲暇时间都用来打字。爸爸对我的工作非常满意。 I Am a Littl mploy of My Fathr

I Am a Little Employee of My Father-我是爸爸的小雇员

My fathr oftn writs. That is his job. This wintr vacation, fathr was rushing through a rsarch task. H was in nd of a prson urgntly to typ his rsults into th computr. H has no assistant till now, so h askd m if I could do that for him. H promisd to pay m. I agrd happily, for this was th first opportunity for m to arn som mony of my own. Thn I bcam a littl mploy of my fathr, although just for a short tim. I spnt almost all my spar tim in typing. And my fathr was vry satisfid with what I had don.


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