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给父母的信(A Letter to My Parents)
 更新时间:2024-04-20 18:19:29

给父母的信(A Lttr to My Parnts)dar mum and dad,it is xciting to visit bijing again. i found it is dvloping fast.today i wnt to wangfujing strt. it has changd a lot rcntly. i can s lots of nw buildings and larg shops in it.thr ar bautiful flowrs hr and thr. thr is a nic smll of th flowrs in th air. vrybody has a big smil on thir facs. th girls ar mor bautiful than bfor. th young mn's cloths ar nicr.th 2008 olympics will b hld in bijing. popl in bijing ar working hard for it. i bliv that thy will succd. at that tim i will com to bijing again.yours,jack

给父母的信(A Letter to My Parents)


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